Saturday, November 26, 2011

All about working

Hey readers! It has been a week ever since i worked! All i can say that, sometimes you work and when you're someone new there, you most probably will get bullied or ordered around by managers or seniors.

One of the manager there, name sebastian told be a lot of things like, if you work and you don't have fun you would feel that working is rather boring than fun and he also taught me a lot of ordering what should be done and what should be not done.

I've also make many new friends like rahman, ah sheng, hong yen, lee na, arton! WEEEEEZZZ ~ Working is fun if you're good with the people there. But it's also tiring when i work full day. 9 hours of standing who not tired? Ohya! And i love it during the break! The restaurant light's is all off and everyone used the couch or chairs to sleep! HAHAHAHA!

My friends keep calling me something that sound like "pillow file" or whatever. As i keep telling them the babies that came into the restaurant is so effing cute and chubby regardless of their age and the baby settings is soooooo cuteeee!

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